1881 Yonge St, Suite 616, Toronto M4S 3C4
Phone: 416. 962. 2964 Fax: 416. 962. 2526
After Hours Clinic : 647. 348 . 0514
Email: welcare@primus.ca
After Hours Clinic
If you need to see a doctor after hours, Welcare is part of the Rosedale Family Health Organization and we operate an After Hours Clinic Monday-Friday 5-8pm and Saturdays/Sundays (times vary).
You can make a same day appointment by calling 647 348 0514.
This telephone number will provide you with instructions for making same day appointments.
As our group has all of your health records and we can arrange follow up with your Family Physician, we strongly advise you to visit the After Hours Clinic rather than a walk-in for continuity of care. Any chronic or non-urgent issues should be booked with your family doctor, not the After Hours Clinic. If you feel your symptoms are more urgent please go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Children and Adolescents Clinics
If your child is 18 years of age or younger you may wish to attend
a clinic for children and youth after hours.
201-25 Industrial Street
Toronto ON
Children's After Hours Clinic – Willowdale Site
100- 1100 Sheppard Avenue East
Children's After Hours Clinic – Danforth Site
235 Danforth Ave, Toronto ON
St. Joseph’s Health Centre (Unity Health) - Just for Kids Clinic
30 The Queensway; 3rd Floor
Sick Kids - Virtual Care
Vaughan Pediatric Clinic
310-8333 Weston Rd
Woodbridge ON
Pediatric Urgent Care - Mississauga
3885 Duke of York Blvd. #C107
York Children’s Walk-in Clinic
10323 Yonge St., Richmond Hill